Patty is and has been a lifelong volunteer in sport. Over 40+ years, her endeavors have allowed thousands of athletes, coaches and officials to compete across the globe. Patti has built multiple sports teams/programs for Special Olympics and Para Olympics and represented our community, province and country as an organizer, technical advisor, coach and official.
Patty leads by example and can be found at every event to be mentoring coaches, volunteers and officials. The respect for Patty’s dedication is reflected in her role as the only female and Canadian Alpine official at Special Olympic World Winter Games for the past 23 years.
In 1997, Patty founded the Blue Mountain Alpine Special Olympics program serving as Head Coach and Sport Technical lead for 10 years. She was selected as Head Coach for Alpine at 3 Special Olympics National Games. Her continued passion for ensuring people with intellectual disabilities had quality coaching drove Patty to be a classroom facilitator for numerous world-wide sport technical clinics. In 2000, she added the National Coach Certification Program to her long list of facilitations.
Through her success in creating the Alpine Ski Program, she founded the Special Olympic Blue Mountain Golf program serving as Head Coach for 10 years.
The Special Olympics proudly state, “Many people teach but few are as highly popular and moreover respected as Patty Federer. Special Olympics has recognized Patty as both Coach of the Year and Presidents Award for all she has given during her tenure.
Patty has participated in hundreds of local, provincial, national and international events including six (6) Special Olympics International World Winter Games in Collingwood, Alaska, Japan, Idaho, South Korea and Austria; Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and three (3) Nor-Am Alpine.
On Saturday, May 14, 2022, the Collingwood Sports Hall of Fame welcomes Patty Federer as an enshrined member of Collingwood’s sporting history.