Robert Ring has served as a coach and in several capacities in the Collingwood Minor Hockey Association's executive.
As a defenseman in his minor hockey years here, he has the distinction of playing on two CMHA teams that
won provincial titles. In recent years, Ring has served as Collingwood's representative on the Georgian Bay Minor
Hockey Association and was appointed district rep for the Ontario Minor Hockey Association in 1994-95.
The OMHA chose "Ringo" as its prestigious Honour Award winner for 1994-95, recognizing him for his tireless
volunteer work in minor hockey.
He has also been an active member in adult baseball as president of the North Dufferin Baseball League in Collingwood
and was credited with bringing back minor baseball to this town in the late seventies.
Robert's 20 years of dedication and volunteer work with minor hockey was also recognized earlier this year
when he received the Order of Collingwood.
Robert Ring was inducted into the Collingwood Sports Hall of Fame, in the builders' category, in 1996.